Friday, February 27, 2009

Off the Assembly Line

Horray, the inspection is done and I am on my way, where am I headed, I do not know, some new showroom, maybe someone wanted me, was I a special order, stay here and follow my ride down these highways, some happy and some lonely and it all started in 1950. I rolled of the assembly line one sunny day, not a spec of dirt was seen. I was at my glory, all shiney and purring like a kitten, destined for a whole new world. I'm headed down a highway to destination unknow. Come along for my ride, the ups and downs, the good times and the bad. Buckle Up and hang on, we are going on a ride you will not forget.

And at anytime if you wish to join in on the story, please do not hesitate to lay down some tracks and lead me on this journey. Any help along the way I will greatly appreciate. It will be a long journey from the sunny day in 1950 to the present day.

Come Along and Enjoy the ride!